Friday, April 2, 2010

Terrorism in Santa Barbara California ( a very old posting)

Reply to:

Date: 2007-04-19, 9:20PM EDT

I feel some of my past comments were harsh to those (and I believe them to be the majority) of our Law Enforcement who protect and serve. How ever even with that being said I live in a prison. The type of prison I live in has no walls; yet you can feel its ever present boundaries. It has no bars yet it holds me down like shackles on my feet. There is no physical abuse yet the mental aspect of it can wear me down to the point of having a negative effects on my health. I try and move forward and that is when its hold is both powerful and present. The hell I live in is FEAR of Corruption each and every day and I hope and pray for those in power to do the right thing. I fear my nightmare can be repeated at any time and for any reason. I need not cause it and to date I can barely protect myself from it. The only weapon I have against it is the belief I have in myself and my heart that says I must show others how to fight these types of crimes and criminals regardless of the fact they hold a Badge. I hope and pray that this unwanted lifestyle of mine need not remain mine. How ever I promise you this, I will continue to fight because that is all I know. I hope the good guys get here soon because reform is what is needed. We need not put up with these crimes of terrorism that are being practiced against our free world right here in Santa Barbara California in these United States of America.

As Always Put a Little Magic in Your Heart!

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